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Entrepreneurship, Start-Ups, and Innovation (E-S-I)in ASEAN and East Asia:Catalysing Collaborations

Catalysing Collaborations and Partnerships for Scale-Ups

Giulia Ajmone Marsan Director, Strategy and Partnership ERIA

Lina Maulidina Sabrina Programme Officer ERIA

Ooi Tiat Jin (TJ) Founder and Principal Consultant Curated Connectors

In 2021, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and Curated Connectors, a Singapore-based start-up, hosted a webinar series to discuss how innovation, start-up creation, and entrepreneurship are contributing to shape the (in-pandemic) and post pandemic recovery. The discussions in each episode of the webinar series brought in innovators, ‘start-uppers’, and entrepreneurs from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its Dialogue Partners as well as experts from international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and foundations, and policymakers. This report summarizes the key messages and trends that arose from the second half of the webinar series.


  • Diversity of incubators and accelerators – as well as continued collaboration and cooperation across different types of actors – are key factors for developing a robust E-S-I ecosystem.

  • Borderless entrepreneurship and greater adoption of technology will enable entrepreneurs to compete regionally and globally – providing them with access to human talent as well as business opportunities beyond their local shores.

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are often led by women, remain powerful engines for economic growth in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). As the region expects millions of dollars in revenue from the e-commerce sector by 2030, achieving this growth will require greater involvement of female entrepreneurs to drive SMEs and local businesses onto digital platforms.

  • Sustainability remains a key trend for entrepreneurs to follow during the post-pandemic recovery: a real transition towards sustainable ASEAN economies cannot happen without leading innovative efforts from the start-up community.

  • The next generations of ASEAN entrepreneurs and innovators have a key role to play in driving an inclusive and sustainable post-pandemic recovery, and need to be supported in accessing global talent and developing cross-border partnerships and networks.

You can download the full report :

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